Posts tagged organizing
Girls Justice League

What do they do?

“The Girls Justice League (GJL) is a girls’ rights organization dedicated to taking action for social, political, educational, and economic justice with and for girls and young women. The League is a collective of young women and their allies working to build and reinforce a culture where girls are fully empowered and where gender, race and other disparities are identified and confronted in the systems which affect their futures. GJL uses multiple mediums to tell girls’ stories, disseminate research that accurately describes girls’ current realities and, social justice organizing toward a different future for all girls.”

How do they do it?

  • The Institute; The Status Project; stories; dialogue; organizing; research


Black and Brown Workers Cooperative

What do they do?

“Our mission is to actively challenge, resist and dismantle systems of oppression that adversely impact the Black and Brown worker. Thus, we push for the social and economic liberation of the Black and Brown worker...Our mission stands at the intersection of both the Worker's Rights movement and the Black Lives Matter movement.”

How do they do it?

Workers’ Rights Advocacy; Community Building; Community Organizing; Community Consciousness Raising; Direct Action


  • Abdul-Aliy Muhammad

  • Shani Akilah