Posts in Union Panel
Jia Lee

Jia Lee has been a New York City special education public school teacher for nineteen years and UFT chapter leader for twelve years. She is also a proud public school parent. Jia is a member of a caucus within the United Federation of Teachers called the Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE). She organizes with other parents and educators in New York City and across the state to expose the harmful impact of high stakes standardized testing. 

Daniel Symonds

Dan is a high school history teacher at Science Leadership Academy in The School District of Philadelphia. He has been a member of The Caucus of Working Educators, a progressive group of rank and file members currently contesting the leadership of The Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT) union, for six years. Dan is acting treasurer for the caucus and believes that WE can create a stronger union focused around racial and social justice issues. Starting his activism in high school, Dan’s accomplishments include, eliminating class tracking, stopping school closures and winning fair funding for healthy school buildings. He hopes to be elected the new treasurer for the PFT under The Caucus of Working Educators in spring 2020.

Devin Daniels

Devin William Daniels is a Ph.D candidate in the Department of English at the University of Pennsylvania. His work examines 20th-century American literature and film from a perspective influenced by media theory, Marxist political economy, and critical data studies. He is currently serving as meeting coordinator for GET-UP (Graduate Employees Together at UPenn).