Philadelphia Youth Commission
What do they do?
Our mission is to “Give a voice to Philadelphia’s youth in advising key leadership in the city about policies, programs and actions that affect youth. Through this work, the Commission will be influential in ensuring that decisions that impact young people have been carefully considered and that the youth perspective is incorporated in the process. The Commission will work to bridge the gap between adults and youth, fostering a greater sense of unity, communication and partnership throughout the city...The Commission represents Philadelphia’s youth in public hearing and gives testimony that reflects the youth perspective. We work with the City, non-profits, community organizations, and private entities to develop strategies to improve the lives of Philadelphia’s youth. The Commission also advises the Mayor, City Council, Philadelphia Schools, and other key decision makers inside and outside of city government.”
How do they do it?
Comment on legislation and policies that impact youth; create public service programs that improve the lives of youth; monitor and measure the effectiveness of youth programs and policies; partner with neighborhood youth organizations on shared issues; prepare youth for leadership roles
Ricardo Calderon, Director. (215) 686-2159